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My Favourite 2022 Interior Trends

Lady Griddlebone

Updated: Nov 11, 2022

For the first blog on my website, I thought it would be fitting to talk to you about my favourite upcoming interior design trends for 2022. Although we have seen January come and go in the blink of an eye, there is still time to make some predictions for the upcoming year. So, without further ado, here are my favourite upcoming interior design trends.

Curved Furniture Silhouettes

Mid-century modern's crisp lines will always be popular, but I'm witnessing a softening of furniture forms, with curved edges and feminine shapes taking centre stage. Others agree,

"2022 will see a greater emphasis on furniture as artwork in its own right," says LH. Designed designer Linda Hayslett. "

Furniture is becoming more refined, with a focus on the marriage of form and function - think softer curves that show off". People want comfort as well as fun, unique, and/or striking pieces that make a room appear fascinating and memorable. I welcome this trend to 2022 with open arms!

Sustainable Practices

Sustainability is the new sexy, and in 2022, I anticipate consciously designed, and responsibly manufactured items will be at the forefront of every house. From construction materials to furniture, people are asking for more creative items that are created with sustainability in mind from the outset.

Beautiful design does not have to be sacrificed for the sake of sustainability. I anticipate a wave of luxury sustainable materials and pieces in 2022.

Lots Of Texture

Even the most neutral of palettes can feel rich and extraordinary when a variety of textures are used. Mastering that blend will be crucial in the next year. We'll definitely see an increase in texture in 2022 - and I say the more, the better! With soft velvets and boucle textiles, woven furniture will be blended with sisal carpeting. These features contribute to the warmth of the home, making it more appealing.

[If you love the look of Alchemy, why not view our latest vintage retro sideboard, Mineralium, which also shows the art of elements, chemistry and magic!]

Fun Foyers

There's nothing like making a good first impression, myself and others designers anticipate that our houses' entryways, especially foyers and mudrooms, will receive a lot of love and care this year. After all, it's the first room visitors see when they enter your house, so don't be afraid to make it spectacular! If you are interested in sprucing up your foyer, I have designed some pieces that may be perfect!

There you have it. My favourite predicted trends for 2022. I hope you enjoyed exploring them with me. If you would like to know more about what I do or would like to discuss a commission, please don't hesitate to fill in the contact form on my website or email, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

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